Exodus 4:11-12 The LORD said to him, "Who gave man his mouth? Who makes him deaf or mute? Who gives him sight or makes him blind? Is it not I, the LORD ? Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say."
As her Mommy....I want Lilah to see all the things of this world. I will not stop praying for that.
I will "Pray without ceasing" 1 Thessalonians 5:17. I was reminded this week by that same wise man that I am allowed to mourn and grieve right now. He said, "You still lost something in this process." He told me that it was OK for me to mourn. It is OK for me to feel this pain. THAT was so comforting. For those people that do not understand what I am going through, are in denial of Lilah's condition, or tell me to snap out of it...I am allowed to feel this way. Lilah is my daughter and I know how hard this is for me...but I also know how hard this is for her.
I do not know the plans the Lord has for her. I will trust HIM. I will trust HIM. Lord, help me trust you.
Faith precedes the miracle.
You have great faith, and you HAVE and WILL continue to witness great miracles :)
I have goose bumps. What a very wonderful thing for that man to say!
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