This morning as I laced my shoes up to go run my 2nd Half Marathon for Lilah, I prayed a LOT. I actually woke up at 3 and couldn't go back to sleep. I checked on Lilah, changed her diaper, put her back to sleep and began to pray, do laundry, drink coffee...prepare.
One of the things I have started to do on my races is write the names of those I would like to pray for on my left forearm. As I look at my Garmin to keep up my pace, I look at the names listed and pray for these people by name. Some have no names, but they are prayed for.
On the back of my right leg I wrote "PHIL 4:13." Because I race because God gives me strength and I want to WHOLE world to know.
The race began great. I paced myself pretty good since I was using this run as a training run and gauge to see how I needed to improve for the Disney Princess Half in 22 days. The course looped at a few places so I was able to high five Andrew, encourage him(he's much faster than me), and stay focused. I also high fixed a few FCA(fellowship of Christian Athletes) members along the way.
The COOLEST thing happened at mile 8. I saw the little boy I had been hearing about since I got to the race. A little boy, named Mason, 9 years old was running all of the events(26.2 miles total in 2 days) At mile 8 when I saw Mason, he was OBVIOUSLY hurting. God spoke to me. I slowed my pace, asked him his name, his age, and began to tell him stories. I asked him if he knew what my leg meant. He said , "no." I said, "It means, 'I can do ALL things through HIM who gives me strength' That means that you CAN do this because God gives you the ability." Then I told him about me, my family, and Lilah. I also asked the crowd to cheer for Mason. I said, "He is 9 years old, his name is Mason, he needs encouragement." Each time I shouted at the crowd, they would shout back, "Go Mason, you can do it!" Then at mile 11 Mason said his tummy hurt. I helped him find a bush and told him to be careful. Then I looked around at the spectators and asked a man and a wife to look out for the little boy who was going potty. "Please make sure he gets back on the course. He isn't my child, but he is some body's." I told them he wasn't my child, but God told me to look after him.
So, I kept running.
Then, all of a sudden I heard, "Go Mason" and looked back...and there he was right with me again.
He told me he likes to go super fast at the end. So, at mile 12.7 he said, "Can I go fast now?" I said, "Sure. You have about .5 of a mile. Go for it." And he took off like a lightning bolt.
See, God told me to encourage Mason. So, I obeyed. How do I know if Mason doesn't know Jesus? How do I know if Mason needed me? How do I know if "I" was the one who needed Mason?
Whatever the reason God placed him in my path I am grateful. VERY.
I turned the corner and pushed as hard as I could from 12.8-13.1.
THAT was a GOD thing!
Before I left Tybee I ran into Heather, Lilah's Speech Therapist from Babies Cant Wait.
We chatted and then I drove them to their car a little distance away. So great to see her and Matt. I miss her SO much and wish she could still be Lilah's ST.
On the way home from the race I got emotional about everything that had happened. I ran that race for Lilah...and myself. I ran that race encouraging others. Doing what God has told me to do. I felt a little sad because I had no one at the race to cheer me on. But, that is not what matters. When I came home THIS is what I saw....
They are still on my garage, So, neighbors...and HOA...just deal with it. My babies are proud of their Mama :)
Today was a great race. Today was a great run. Today was a GOD wink...over and over.
I did it again for you baby. I pushed harder and faster. I worked hard and prayed for you. I am still working hard. I love you SO much. I hope you know that. We did it today. We shined HIS light. I told your story over and over. Someone needed to hear it. Someone needed to know HIM today. Maybe, just maybe the name Lilah HOPE will help lead them one step closer.
"How do you know if Mason doesn't know Jesus? Katie, you of all people, know the answer. Mason met you - he knows Jesus.
So happy for you!
Awe-mazing!! You are truly inspiring! Love you and your amazing spirit!!!
-Erin g.
My day starts off with a PHENOMENAL SCC service that you told me I would love. (You're right.......I cried). Here I am now having read this post and, once again, tears are brought to my eyes. You, Katie Logsdon Sharp, are a true inspiration. GOD is using you b/c you're allowing HIM to. Continue to let HIM shine for all to see! Thank you for being a witness.
Always remember how much GOD LOVES YOU, sis, and I do too! Laurie :)
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